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Initially active in the Donbas, FSD is now working in the provinces of Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Kherson. Our workforce has expanded considerably to speed up demining operations in the country and meet the needs of civilians affected by the ongoing conflict. In parallel, large-scale risk education campaigns are delivered among the affected populations to prevent accidents.

FSD new recruits undergo practical demining evaluation before being deployed in the field (Ukraine, 2023)

New FSD recruits undergo practical demining evaluation before being deployed in the field. (Ukraine, 2023)


+600 FSD staff are active to clear the land from mines and unexploded ordnance in Ukraine

October 2024 / The fighting in Ukraine has left behind hundreds of thousands of anti-personnel mines, anti-vehicle mines and unexploded or abandoned ordnance which did not explode on impact. It is estimated that approximately one-third of the nation is affected. These dangerous remnants of war not only threaten the lives of civilians, but also obstruct humanitarian efforts, hamper reconstruction and prevent farmers from accessing their fields.

In total, more than 600 FSD staff are active in the provinces of Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Kherson.

To date, FSD has twenty-eight clearance teams, nineteen non-technical survey teams and fourteen explosive ordnance risk education teams. Specialized machines are used to prepare the ground for clearance in rural areas, while armoured construction machines help with the clearance of collapsed buildings. Locally produced mine rollers certified by national authorities are also used to support our demining operations.

In addition, FSD is focusing on harnessing new technologies and constantly improving its geographic information systems. This refines the skills of our teams and strengthens our ability to intervene rapidly in other critical zones.

Since June 2022, FSD’s demining teams have secured nearly 350,000 square metres of land, including farmland, village areas, towns and vital infrastructure. During the same period, FSD teams surveyed more than 39 million square meters of land. Additionally, 232,440 women, men and children took part in FSD’s risk education sessions, learning how to identify explosive devices and how to adopt the right behaviour to stay safe in the face of this threat. Furthermore, digital risk education campaigns on FSD social media have reached over 6 million impressions throughout the year.

FSD is also providing technical assistance to the Ukrainian State Emergency Service (SESU) in the use of 22 ground-preparation machines.

We have been told at school not to approach mines and explosive ordnance and to report any findings to adults.


14-year-old pupil

Nadiya, 25, deminer for FSD in Ukraine

News from Ukraine

FSD deminer wearing a blue protective vest using a mine detector to search for mines in a field.


More than 600 FSD staff members are now active in the provinces of Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Kherson to clear the land and raise awareness about the dangers of explosive devices. In the final quarter of 2024, FSD’s goal is to maximise land clearance before winter conditions disrupt demining operations.


Help us prevent mine accidents

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is littering cities and farmland with massive amounts of unexploded ordnance. Every contribution, regardless of the amount, helps us rid the country of these lethal remnants of war.

Machine work for humanitarian causes - youtube logo red


While the needs for mine clearance are immense, time is of the essence to secure the land. Within this context, find out how ground preparation machines are used to operate alongside FSD deminers to support manual demining operations.

Mine clearance

FSD deminers work to clear areas where fighting has stopped. Mines and unexploded ordnance are excavated and neutralised to allow residents to move around safely and farmers to plant their crops.

FSD Clearance team member excavating an explosive device in Ukraine

Capacity building

FSD helps strengthen the national authorities’ capabilities so that they can coordinate mine action on their territory autonomously and efficiently. In Ukraine, FSD advises and trains the Ukrainian authorities (State Emergency Services) in the deployment and use of demining machines.

Three Ukrainian men with a machine specialized in mine clearance

Risk education

FSD teams conduct campaigns in villages and in schools to educate people, especially the youngest, who are the most at threat, of the dangers of mines and unexploded ordnance.

Risk awareness campaigns are also offered online, through Facebook, on the dedicated FSD page BezMin.info

Ukraine EORE

FSD in Ukraine

FSD’s involvement in Ukraine dates back to the beginning of 2015, in the Donbas region. The aim was to minimise civilian casualties by teaching people to “live with” mines and unexploded ordnance in relative safety until all contaminated areas are cleared.

In 2017, FSD began a demining programme to locate and destroy explosive devices in the same region.

In late 2019, a project was launched to increase access to education in conflict areas. When FSD staff visited schools and kindergartens for their mine risk education missions, they saw the extent of destruction of schools and the devastating impact of the conflict on the daily lives of children.

In 2022, as the fighting intensified and spread throughout the country, FSD’s activities were reoriented to provide emergency humanitarian aid (food, shelter, medicines, fuel, etc.).

As soon as the security situation allowed, demining and risk education were resumed.

To date, FSD is active in the provinces of Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Kherson.

FSD’s programme in Ukraine is funded by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Solidarity, the U.S. Department of State, the World Food Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, and several private foundations, Swiss cantons and municipalities.


In 2023, more than 140,000 men, women and children were educated about the danger of mines and explosive remnants of war in Ukraine.


Where is FSD currently working in Ukraine? What does a landmine look like? Answers to your questions, once a month.

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An FSD deminer in blue protective vest and visors conducts manual landmine clearance at Khamadoni