The story begins in the Swiss city of Fribourg. In the 1990s, millions of people saw on their TV screens images of countries contaminated by anti-personnel mines and their dramatic effects on the population. In 1997, the issue became a major international concern...
Recovery and stability
Latest news on our projects to support socio-economic development and peace processes in different countries.
Our operations in Ukraine – March 2022
In March 2022, following the intensification of the conflict in Ukraine, FSD stopped its mine action activities to support Ukrainian civilians fleeing the conflict. 7-13 March FSD supported volunteers, who transported women and children to the Polish border with a...
Infrastructure for peace in Bangui and Bouar
In a post conflict environment, humanitarian organisations help to provide vital services and protection to a country's population; this then transitions to longer term development activities. But the transition can take time. FSD's unique experience operating across...
Kindergartens bear the traces of war
An armed conflict has been raging in the Donbass region of Ukraine since 2014. Much of the infrastructure located along the frontline was destroyed or damaged by artillery and mortar fire, including dozens of schools and kindergartens. For the past 10 months, FSD...
FSD helps the most vulnerable of Teusaquillo
In Colombia, FSD continues to help OACP Descontamina Colombia, the national mine clearance authority, to develop and implement information management solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic has made work more difficult, since now an extra layer of information is needed to...
FSD mobilizes to slow the spread of the virus
The situation with regard to the COVID-19 epidemic differs from country to country in the regions in which we operate. With this in mind we have taken the decision to refocus and adapt our work to the current crisis in the Central African Republic in order to support...
School rehabilitation continues despite the crisis
Ukraine has been in quarantine since 12th March. The COVID-19 crisis has added extra pressure to the already limited economy in the east of the country, which has been enduring armed conflict for over six years. This has caused a collapse of basic services in a number...
Peut-on déminer à l’aide de drones? Une mine peut-elle tuer un chameau? Des réponses à vos questions, une fois par mois. Abonnez-vous pour ne rien rater!
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