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Frequently asked questions

You will find below answers to frequently asked questions about fundraising, internships, employment and volunteering opportunities.


FSD teams inform the public about our humanitarian activities and allow interested people to become regular donors. (Switzerland, 2024)



Why do you collect funds from the public?

Private contributions are crucial to ensure our independence and the promptness of our interventions. They thus complement public grants, which are usually allocated to a specific project of limited duration and require a long process before being implemented. Regular private donations are particularly valuable to improve responsiveness in emergencies and to ensure the sustainability of our interventions.

How are my donations used?

For every 100 Swiss francs donated to FSD, 86 francs go to our field operations, 6 francs are used for fundraising activities and 8 francs are allocated to administration costs. In order to ensure full financial transparency, the organisation’s complete and audited annual accounts are published each year in our annual report. The ZEWO label guarantees that FSD uses donations ethically and efficiently and the ISO 9001 certification attest the quality of the organisation’s management.

How to deduct my donation from my tax return?

Your donations to FSD can be deducted from your tax return. We provide donation receipts every year in mid-February (for the previous fiscal year). If you have any problem, please do not hesitate to contact our donor relations service (donors@fsd.ch or +41 22 562 41 92). Please remember to inform us of any change of address: we need your full contact details in order to issue your donation certificate.

Is my online donation secure?

Online donations made on our website are processed through the RaiseNow system, a secure payment processing platform for non-profit organisations.

I don’t want to make an online payment, how can I support you?

Thank you for your support. You can make a bank transfer to the following account:
Recipient: Fondation suisse de déminage (FSD)
Bank: PostFinance SA
IBAN: CH31 0900 0000 1750 3036 5

How to change or stop my regular donation?

You can change the amount of your donation or terminate your commitment at any time by contacting our donor relations service by email at donors@fsd.ch or on +41 22 562 41 92.

Employment & volunteering

I would like to become a deminer, how can I do that?

For standard demining positions, we recruit and train all of our teams from the local population in the intervention contexts. For expert demining positions, we only recruit professional deminers who have been trained in accordance with NATO standards and who can demonstrate at least 10 years of experience in the field. We do not offer demining training courses for international staff.

Is it possible to do an internship at FSD?

We occasionally recruit interns in our office in Geneva, particularly in communications and fundraising. All vacancies are published on our website: https://fsd.ch/en/jobs/

Are you looking for volunteers?

We are looking for volunteers for one-off projects. Calls for contributions are then published on social networks.

Contact us

Do you have any questions about our work on the field, about fundraising or about something else? We will be pleased to answer.

Click on the button below to find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for.

a man equipped to remove mines