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FSD group

The FSD group comprises three entities: FSD (Fondation suisse de déminage), Crosstech S.A and the association FSD France.

To reach isolated villages in Mindanao, our risk education experts sometimes have to walk for long hours through water. (Philippines, 2021)

In Iraq, where temperatures reach 50°C for much of the year, deminers start work at sunrise. (Iraq, 2024)


The three entities of the FSD group

FSD group

FSD (Fondation suisse de déminage)

Founded in 1997, FSD is a humanitarian NGO based in Geneva, Switzerland. Established as a Swiss law foundation, it oversees the activities of Crosstech SA and FSD France, while also ensuring the financial consolidation of the entire group.

Crosstech FSD Group

Crosstech S.A.

Crosstech S.A. is the commercial subsidiary of the FSD group, a Swiss corporation fully owned and controlled by FSD. Established in 2007, it provides demining services to companies operating in areas potentially contaminated by explosive devices.

FSD France - FSD group

Association FSD France

In 2005, FSD established FSD France to enhance its humanitarian impact. Registered as a French non-profit association, FSD France plays a key role in implementing FSD’s projects, including those funded by the European Union.