In Ukraine, thousands of former soldiers injured in combat face the challenge of reintegrating into civilian life. FSD is contributing to a reintegration project through humanitarian demining, organised by the United Nations Development Programme and the Ukrainian...
Latest news from our demining and mine & explosive remnants of war education programme in Ukraine.
Reinforcements in Ukraine: our new four-legged recruits have arrived!
We are delighted to introduce our newest colleagues: TNT, Dodo, Zara, Szabi, and eight other mine detection dogs have joined our teams in Ukraine to strengthen our mine clearance efforts. These Malinois and German Shepherds, with their exceptional sense of smell, are...
Accidental explosions: what are the high-risk behaviours?
"Do not touch, do not approach, report it." Our risk education teams spread this vital message every day to prevent accidents. While almost one in three countries in the world is contaminated by landmines and explosive remnants of war, thousands of victims are...
World Environment Day: restoring land for a safer future
Armed conflicts not only leave an indelible mark on the lives of millions of people, but also devastate the environment, wildlife and biodiversity. Years after the fighting, mines and explosive remnants of war continue to contaminate the soil, affecting farmland,...
“My father and my husband built our house”
Kamianka, a rustic settlement in Ukraine’s east, experienced brutal fighting during the summer of 2022. Following months of fierce combat, Ukrainian troops finally retook Kamianka as part of their wider counter-offensive that liberated large parts of Kharkiv Oblast...
They learn to read, to write and to recognise unexploded ordnance
Polina, Nastia, and Sophia are between 8 and 9. They live in a village located in the province of Chernihiv, in Ukraine. We met them at their school following a mine risk education session. Like her two friends, Polina took refuge with her family in an underground...
Clearing mines and explosive ordnance, where do we start?
For deminers to be able to remove mines and unexploded ordnance from the ground as soon as possible, it is essential to provide them with precise knowledge of the area they are about to clear. This is the work of our non-technical survey teams, who intervene...
Demining in Ukraine: the race against time
In Ukraine, in March 2023 alone, more than 100 civilians were killed or maimed by mines and explosive ordnance. With the arrival of a warmer weather, the number of accidents is likely to increase. FSD has drastically increased its staff and expanded its area of...
Clearing mines after an explosion
Yahidne, a village two hours north of Kiev, is now sadly known as a "martyr village" of the war in Ukraine. More than 300 inhabitants, including about 60 children, were locked up for almost a month in a basement last March. Some of them died during their...
Peut-on déminer à l’aide de drones? Une mine peut-elle tuer un chameau? Des réponses à vos questions, une fois par mois. Abonnez-vous pour ne rien rater!
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