During the month, the clearance teams, while continuing their excellent work, cleared just over 585,000 m2 and rendered safe 59 improvised explosive devices and 36 unexploded ordnance. Our teams have recently received a new task order in Dibis District. It is expected that FSD will encounter high explosive ordnance contamination levels in this hazard area. Meetings with Kirkuk officials proved to be quite beneficial during the month, as they reaffirmed their support for FSD clearance efforts.
The mechanical clearance team continued their work in Kharbani village while also offering the manual clearance teams in Makhmour and Dibis Districts outstanding support when mechanical assets were needed.

Before starting clearance operations, the deminer is setting the clearance lane.
By delivering high-quality risk education, the explosive ordnance risk education (EORE) teams could reach over 1,000 women, men, girls, and boys. In addition, FSD reached 21,443 viewers through digital social media platforms. The local community can now safely conduct their daily activities thanks to the significant efforts made by the EORE teams.
As part of our capacity development programme, a staff member completed an internal team leader course, enhancing his skill set. Mr. Muhammad Ismat, the FSD Iraq EORE Team Leader, completed the Developing Effective EORE training course in Switzerland. His attendance in this course will provide knowledge that can benefit the FSD Iraq programme.
Team members during their refresher training, reviewing manual clearance procedures.

The teams diligently completed continuous refresher training and safety toolbox topics throughout the month. The staff members who were nominated completed online training courses in medical logistics, security management, and focus group discussions.