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Press room

Our communication team is available for interviews, reports or any other questions.


CNN reporters joined an FSD rapid response team in Ukraine, who carefully crawled every inch of an agricultural plot to locate and remove explosive remnants of war (2022).

We are available

Your contact

Media requests

Do you have any questions about FSD’s operations, the contexts in which we work or about demining activities? I will be happy to answer.

Your contact

Alexandra Brutsch
Head of Communications

Alexandra-Brutsch FSD

Key documents

April 4, 2024 - International Mine Awareness Day

PDF, 103 Ko


September 29, 2023 - Statement by Hansjörg Eberle - Press conference of the Swiss Federal Council

PDF, 70 Ko



You will find here the latest images of our operations in Ukraine (©FSD).


Explore our projects

Almost all the videos on our YouTube channel are available with subtitles: to access them, please click on the icon "Subtitles" at the bottom right of the screen.

  • Demining operations
  • Media reports
  • Series “Deminers answer children’s questions”

Where is FSD currently working in Ukraine? What does a landmine look like? Answers to your questions, once a month.

  • News from the field
  • Demining videos
  • Interviews with experts
  • Events
  • Job offers
An FSD deminer in blue protective vest and visors conducts manual landmine clearance at Khamadoni