Complaints & whistleblowing
FSD is committed to the highest standards of practice and ethics in all of its organisational activities. Occasionally, things may go wrong and might not live up to expectations. If this is the case, you will find the necessary procedure below. Your complaint will be taken seriously, treated in a timely manner and with the highest level of discretion.

Rahmi Ali, survivor of an accidental explosion, received support from FSD to become a beekeeper. Today, he is training future beekeepers as part of our victim assistance project. (Afghanistan, 2023)
How to raise a complaint?
All complaints, concerns or reports related to potential misconduct or to beneficiaries’ dissatisfaction should be addressed to the Complaints Manager by email, phone or postal letter.
Contact information
+41 22 731 14 79
(ask to speak to the Complaints Manager)
Complaints Manager FSD (Fondation suisse de déminage)
14b Av. Giuseppe Motta
1202 Geneva
Please note that:
- Alternative reporting mechanisms in various national languages are available across each of our country programmes – please get in touch if you would like the details.
- Your communications will be treated with discretion, logged and forwarded to the relevant and most appropriate person.
- You may write your email in any language and we will arrange translation.
- If you would prefer to speak on the telephone rather than send sensitive details in an email, you can highlight the area of concern by email (e.g. safebuarding, fraud, etc.) and request to be called back.
- All complaints will be acknowledged within three working days, other than in exceptional circumstances. We will also indicate when you can expect to be informed about the outcome of your concern and what type of process we will follow in order to look into the issue further. In some sensitive cases, FSD may need to reserve the right to keep any action taken as confidential.
- If the complaint is about an issue that falls outside of FSD’s control, you will be assisted, where possible, to re-direct your complaint appropriately.
How to raise a comment or complaint related to our fundraising campaigns?
We value your feedback. If you have any remarks or a complaint to make about any aspect of FSD’s fundraising, please contact us. We are greatful for an opportunity to improve. Our team will react promptly, take your complaint seriously and work to resolve any issues as fast as possible.
In the first instance, comments or complaints should be directed to:
Contact information
Donor Relations, FSD (Fondation suisse de déminage)
14b Av. Giuseppe Motta
1202 Geneva
What we will do with your complaint
- Please register your complaint, to the extent possible, within three months of the incident occurring.
- Your complaint will be logged and forwarded to the relevant member of the team depending on the nature of your complaint.
- Complaints will be dealt with by a person independent of the event complained about.
- We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receiving it.
- We aim to provide a full response within 10 working days. Where we need to obtain additional information to respond to your complaint fully, we will do so within four weeks of receiving.
FSD is committed to the ZEWO principles and to the highest ethical standards in fundraising.