On the occasion of the Good Deeds Day in Geneva, FSD has been invited to participate to an initiative of the Coop supermarkets for this day centered around solidarity.
You will be able to meet our team all day on Saturday 6 May at the entrance of the Coop de Montbrillant in Geneva, for a distribution of seed bombs and to raise awareness about the problem of explosive remnants of war.

The blend of organic, native and melliferous seeds contained in our seed bombs.
Our #FromBombstoBlooms operation aims to raise awareness about unexploded ordnance, which kills and maims civilians around the world every day. One in three countries is affected by these deadly remnants of war, which remain dangerous for decades, sometimes even more than a century after an armed conflict has ended.
To address this major problem and to give visibility to those whose slightest step in the wrong place can be fatal, FSD is distributing harmless and life-giving bombs to the public: seed bombs.
A symbolic gesture to remind us that together we can act to protect the populations affected by the remnants of explosive devices. And, at the same time, a gift for bees, bumblebees and butterflies: the seeds contained in our bombs will give birth to various organic melliferous plants adapted to Geneva region, which will attract pollinating insects and turn our streets green.
Here is the recipe for ticking time bombs that will wait patiently for the next rain to germinate:
- 1 part powdered clay
- 3 parts potting soil
- ¾ part water
- 1 handful of organic and indigenous honey seeds
Utensils: measuring cup, salad bowl, large spoon, plate or dish, small spoon

First mix the clay and potting soil in a bowl, then add the water in batches while stirring.

As soon as you see no more dry soil, do not add any more water, otherwise you will get a particularly sticky mixture.

Form balls the size of ping-pong balls, then create an opening in the ball with your thumb: place about ten seeds in the ball with your teaspoon.

Form the ball again and let it dry. The layer of clay will protect the seeds from insects and birds.
The next rains will allow the seeds to germinate: it will take about one to two weeks before the first growths appear.
If you decide to store your bombs for later, be sure to dry them thoroughly beforehand and keep them in a dry, dark container.
Almost anywhere! For example, you can place them in low walls, in vacant lots, at the foot of trees, on the side of roads… Every journey through the city on foot or by bike is a good opportunity to find new grey and barren spaces to green up!

Let’s give more diversity to our urban pollinators!
Feel free to post your ideas and show off your plantings on social media with the hashtag #FromBombstoBlooms!