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Central African Republic

Active in the country since 2014, FSD contributes to the peace process through various projects and provides socio-economic support to vulnerable communities.

Carpentry activity, community support in the Central African Republic

Two former combatants taking part in FSD’s reintegration programme with the aim of becoming carpenters. (Central African Republic, 2021)

Central african republic


The Central African Republic has endured decades of violence and political unrest. Since the resumption of the civil war in early 2013, one in four Central Africans have left their home. Poverty is endemic and the majority of the population has no access to essential services.

In 2019, the Government and the main armed groups in the country signed a Peace Agreement.

The agreement led to a process, initiated with the support of the European Union, to reform the security sector as well as to demobilise, demilitarise and reintegrate former combatants.

The agreement involved creating special mixed security units, comprising members of the Central African Armed Forces and of the different armed groups. It also involves implementing measures to restore State authority throughout the country, which primarily remains under the control of rebel groups outside of major towns and population centres.

The aim is to guarantee the stability of the country and the safety of the population, enable internally displaced people to return to their homes and help improve living conditions.

Thanks to this disarmament project, I now have a job. I can build things. I would never abandon this to return to fighting.

former rebel of an armed group

Trained in carpentry by FSD as part of its support to the peace programme

Central African republic

Support to the peace process

In the Central African Republic, FSD works with donors to help rehabilitate government infrastructure and to reinforce the country’s administrative capacities.

FSD provides maintenance for the five camps built and rehabilitated in the previous years under the Peace Agreement for USMS personnel in major towns and population centres, as a means to provide confidence in the government and ensure stability and security across the country.

Central Africans working on a construction site and taking part in the country's rehabilitation efforts.
Central african republic

Disarmament and reintegration

As part of the process to reintegrate former rebel-group members, FSD has built camps for the deployment of the Special Joint Security Units in Bouar, Paoua, Bria, Kaga-Bandoro and Ndele.

In 2022, FSD focused on promoting the reintegration of members of the USMS (Unités spéciales mixtes de sécurité), who are former members of rebel groups, into civilian life via vocational skills training. The training included literacy and financial skills, civic education and human rights before focusing on professional skills.

Reinsertion of former combatants, Central African Republic
Central african republic

Economic development

As part of its activities to support the peace process, FSD works in direct collaboration with local businesses and shops. This helps to create jobs and boosts the local economy. Meanwhile, people who are interested in professional training can receive it.

Participants can choose between sewing, electrical installation, information technology, masonry, mechanics, carpentry, soap-making, and welding.

A construction site led by the FSD in the Central African Republic
Central african republic

Support to communities

FSD uses its presence throughout the country to carry out socio-economic development activities. This began by conducting preliminary assessments in vulnerable communities to understand and to determine the needs.

FSD has also drilled wells and set up pumping systems to provide drinking water to the population. In 2022, the rehabilitation of an orphanage in Bangui and of a school and a kindergarten in Bouar was completed.

Gathering in a village in the Central African Republic

FSD in the Central African Republic

In 2014, whilst the country was in the middle of a civil war, FSD launched its first initiative, a small project to raise awareness on the dangers associated with handling weapons, ammunition or explosive remnants of war. The organisation was also involved in the humane recovery, identification and burial of victims of the conflict.

From 2015, as part of a European Union project, FSD gradually focused its efforts on activities aimed at restoring the authority of the State in the country. This included supporting the organisation and administration of the Central African Defence Ministry, and support to the deployment of new security forces in different regions of the country.

FSD also facilitated the payment of a monthly food allowance to members of the USMS (Unités spéciales mixtes de sécurité), located in Bouar, Paoua and Ndele.

This task is mandated by the Peace Agreement and paid for by the EU, using a digital ID programme to track payments through biometric data control. 

In 2022, FSD focused on promoting the reintegration of members of the USMS, who were former members of rebel groups, into civilian life via vocational skills training in Bouar and Paoua.

At the same time, FSD carries out support activities within local communities. Measures are underway to create jobs, improve access to drinking water, promote the empowerment of women and ensure access to education for children.

FSD’s programme in the Central African Republic is supported by the European Union and various private foundations.


News from the Central African Republic

CAR-5-7 EN R

Drilling wells

“The lack of easy access to clean water is tangible here in Bouar, especially during the dry season”. In the Central African Republic, only one person out of four has access to clean water. In the country […]
New school in Bouar

A brand new school in Bouar

In Camp Leclerc, FSD rehabilitated the local public school […] including building a completely new facility to accommodate hundreds of pre-school children.

Socio-economic support through literacy course


FSD’s socioeconomic support activities continue in N’dele and Bria. Through a variety of training programmes offered by our teams, women have the opportunity to develop new skills!


In 2023, 276 former Central African combatants were provided with professional training to reintegrate into civilian life.


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