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Mine action

Latest news on our demining activities, victim assistance and mine and explosive remnants of war education programmes around the world.

Landmine goes click?

Landmine goes click?

The Hollywood Landmine Myth by Markus Schindler The air is thick with tension as the sun begins to set. A small group of soldiers cautiously make their way through a field. Every step is deliberate, every movement calculated. They've been warned about the risk of...

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Clearing mines after an explosion

Clearing mines after an explosion

Yahidne, a village two hours north of Kiev, is now sadly known as a "martyr village" of the war in Ukraine. More than 300 inhabitants, including about 60 children, were locked up for almost a month in a basement last March. Some of them died during their...

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Once upon a time FSD…

Once upon a time FSD…

The story begins in the Swiss city of Fribourg. In the 1990s, millions of people saw on their TV screens images of countries contaminated by anti-personnel mines and their dramatic effects on the population. In 1997, the issue became a major international concern...

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Peut-on déminer à l’aide de drones? Une mine peut-elle tuer un chameau? Des réponses à vos questions, une fois par mois. Abonnez-vous pour ne rien rater!

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